The Mission

Horse ReCourse is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Mendocino, California.

Horse ReCourse was started because of the need for rejoining unwanted horses in Mendocino County. Horses can be abandoned for a variety of reasons, typically because there is currently nowhere for them to go once their owners are no longer able to care for them or afford them. Horse care, even minimal, is expensive, and out of reach for the majority of people.  While many horses are abandoned or surrendered due to their owners’ personal financial hardship, others are relinquished when they present behavioral issues that make them difficult to ride or dangerous to handle.

Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and provide sanctuary through placement for abused and neglected horses in Mendocino and surrounding counties, as well as provide community members of all ages with life-enhancing skills and experiences derived from horsemanship.

In addition to providing temporary homes through our sanctuary, we also regularly provide assistance to horses and horse owners in need by offering food, temporary shelter, foster homes, permanent placement assistance, veterinary and farrier referrals for care or consultations, training and behavioral advice, and information regarding horse health, behavior, dietary needs, and geriatric care.

We offer horsemanship training classes, educational experiences, and other volunteer opportunities. Horse ReCourse is a place where people and horses can connect on a deeper level and build relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and compassion. 

We take in horses in need, rehabilitate them and place them in more permanent homes, with the option of being returned to Horse ReCourse if necessary.  Rehabilitation consists of veterinary care including dental work, blood work, nutritional counseling, chiropractic care, acupuncture, farrier care, behavioral and conditioning training.  It is our belief that healthy, happy horses that are able to serve people will have better chances of receiving lifelong, quality care. 

We keep each horse in our care as long as necessary, with the goal of ultimately placing them in a permanent, loving home. We understand the resources required for each horse will limit our ability to help as many horses as we’d like, unless they are able to find individual adopters.  We team up with other rescues and sanctuaries to help with placement of horses in need of retirement, since we are not currently in a position to offer more long-term care.

Here at Horse ReCourse, we are committed to finding the perfect home for each individual horse and are able to do so with the help of our generous donations, volunteers, and team.

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Horse ReCourse is a nonprofit organization that depends on support from horse lovers from all around the County. Whether it’s $10 dollars or $100, we are grateful for the continued assistance from our community.